अष्टविकल्पो दैवस्तैर्यग्योनश्च पञ्चधा भवति।
मानुषकश्चैकविधःAlternative: मानुष्यश्चैकविधः समासतोAlternative: समासतोऽयं भौतिकः सर्गः॥ ५३॥
Translation by Henry Thomas Colebrooke (1837): The divine kind is of eight sorts; the grovelling is fivefold; mankind is single in its class. This, briefly, is the world of living beings. |
Translation by John Davies (1881): The divine class has eight varieties; the animal, five. Mankind is single in its class. This is, in summary, the world (sarga, emanation) of living things. |
Translation by Ganganath Jha (1896): The divine class has eight varieties, the lower animals, five; mankind is single in its class; thus briefly is the world of living beings. |
Translation by Nandalal Sinha (1915): The superhuman is of eight kinds; and the grovelling species is of five kinds; and the human is of a single kind; this, briefly, is the Bhautika Sarga or Creation of Beings. |
Translation by Har Dutt Sharma (1933): The divine class has eight varieties, the sub-human has five and the human has one (only). Such, in brief, is this creation. |
Translation by Radhanath Phukan (1960): The Super-human creation (Daiva Sarga) is of eight different kinds, the Sub-human creation is of five kinds; the Human creation is of one variety; such, in brief, is the physical creation of the Bhūtas (i.e., Tanmātras). |
Translation by Swami Virupakshananda (1995): The celestial creation is of eight kinds; the animal species is of five varieties; and the human is of one kind. This, in brief, is the elemental or material creation (of beings). |
Translation by G. Srinivasan (recent): Natural or inorganic or matter oriented phenomenon is the result of 8 orders of variations and the organic or sub human order is of five orders of variation. The human order is from a single variant in the five. These three classes succinctly provide the complete spectrum of phenomena. |
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