प्राप्ते शरीरभेदे चरितार्थत्वात्प्रधानविनिवृत्तौAlternative: चरितार्थत्वात्प्रधानविनिवृत्तेः।
ऐकान्तिकमात्यन्तिकमुभयं कैवल्यमाप्नोति॥ ६८॥
Translation by Henry Thomas Colebrooke (1837): When separation of the informed soul from its corporeal frame at length takes place, and nature in respect of it ceases, then is absolute and final deliverance accomplished. |
Translation by John Davies (1881): This separation from body being obtained, when Nature ceases to act because her purpose has been accomplished, then the soul obtains an abstraction from matter which is both complete and eternal. |
Translation by Ganganath Jha (1896): When the separation of the informed Spirit from his corporeal frame at length takes place, and Nature ceases to act in respect to it, then is final and absolute emancipation accomplished. |
Translation by Nandalal Sinha (1915): When (in due course) separation from the Body takes place, and there is cessation of the activity of the Pradhâna from her purpose having been fulfilled Puruṣa attains both absolute and final Kaivalya. |
Translation by Har Dutt Sharma (1933): After obtaining separation from body and after the cessation of the Nature, (the Spirit) acquires the salvation which is both certain and final. |
Translation by Radhanath Phukan (1960): On being disassociated from the body, and Prakṛti having retired after doing all that was necessary, the Puruṣa attains that release which is both certain and final (because he will not be born again). |
Translation by Swami Virupakshananda (1995): When (in course of time) separation from the body has taken place, and there is the cessation of activity of the Pradhāna, for the reason of the purpose having been fulfilled, (Puruṣa) attains both absolute and final Freedom. |
Translation by G. Srinivasan (recent): The process of acquiring mass is given effect by super-positioning the interactive vortex like waveforms that gradually diminishes the cyclic interactions such it reaches a synchronised balanced and coherent state within the first or primary activity boundary. Since the entire process is self-motivated through axiomatic ratios it achieves a singular unified coherent nuclear interactive state perpetually as there is no hindrance or restrictions from any external source. |
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