ऊर्ध्वं सत्त्वविशालस्तमोविशालश्च मूलतः सर्गः।
मध्ये रजोविशालो ब्रह्मादिस्तम्बपर्यन्तः॥ ५४॥
Translation by Henry Thomas Colebrooke (1837): Above, there is prevalence of goodness; below, the creation is full of darkness; in the midst, is the predominance of foulness, from Brahmá to a stock. |
Translation by John Davies (1881): In the higher world, the quality (or mode) called 'goodness' prevails; below, the creation abounds in 'darkness'; in the midst, 'foulness' or 'passion' abounds. Brahmā and the rest (of the gods) and a stock form the limits. |
Translation by Ganganath Jha (1896): Among the beings of the higher plane Goodness predominates; among those of the lower predominates Dulness; in the middle reside those predominating in Foulness - these constituting the whole Universe, from Brahmâ to the tuft of grass. |
Translation by Nandalal Sinha (1915): Above, the creation is abundant in Sattva; below, it is abundant in Tamas; in the middle, it is abundant in Rajas; such is the creation from Brahmâ down to a stock. |
Translation by Har Dutt Sharma (1933): Above, there is predominance of Sattva; below, the creation abounds in Tamas; in the midst, the Rajas predominates; (this is so) from Brahman down to stock. |
Translation by Radhanath Phukan (1960): High up, (i.e., in the Super-human creation) Sattva predominates; at the bottom, Tamas; in the middle, Rajas; this is so from Brahmā down to a blade of grass. |
Translation by Swami Virupakshananda (1995): The higher regions abound in Sattva attribute; the nether regions abound in Tamas attribute. The intermediary regions abound in Rajas attribute; such is the creation of worlds from Brahmā down to a blade of grass. |
Translation by G. Srinivasan (recent): Ascending order of outward manifestation is predominantly Sathwic and the descending inward mode of creation is predominantly Thamasic and the intermediate range is predominantly Rajasic and it is consistently so right from the source of the dynamic creative field to the final coherent (static) order of manifestation. |
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