बुद्धीन्द्रियाणि तेषां पञ्च विशेषाविशेषविषयाणि।
वाग्भवति शब्दविषया शेषाणि तु पञ्चविषयाणि॥ ३४॥
Translation by Henry Thomas Colebrooke (1837): Among these organs the five intellectual concern objects specific and unspecific. Speech concerns sound. The rest regard all five objects. |
Translation by John Davies (1881): Of these, the five intellectual organs (or organs of sensation) are the domain of specific and non-specific objects. Speech is connected with sound. The rest are connected with the five objects of sense. |
Translation by Ganganath Jha (1896): Of these, the five intellectual senses (those of sensation) concern objects specific as well as non-specific (collective); speech concerns sound; the rest regard the five objects (of sense). |
Translation by Nandalal Sinha (1915): Among these (ten Indriyas) the five Indriyas of cognition have for their objects things gross and subtile. Speech has sound (alone) for its object. But the rest have (all) the five as their objects. |
Translation by Har Dutt Sharma (1933): Of these, the five organs of sense apprehend specific and non-specific objects. Speech has sound (alone) for its object. The rest, on the other hand, have five objects. |
Translation by Radhanath Phukan (1960): Of these, the five organs of cognition have as their objects of cognition both the five Aviśeṣas (undivided into their components) and their components (viśeṣas), speech has only sound for its object; as regards the rest, i.e., the organs of action, they have only the five Mahābhūtas as their objects. |
Translation by Swami Virupakshananda (1995): Of these, the five organs of knowledge have, as their objects, both the gross as well as the subtle. Speech has sound as its object; the rest have all the five as their objects. |
Translation by G. Srinivasan (recent): The will or internal potential to act comprises a spectrum of five sensory responses of both types as sensing and reacting. Speech forms are related to sound vibrations while the remaining is related to the entire five sensory response spectrums. |
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