धर्मेण गमनमूर्ध्वं गमनमधस्ताद्भवत्यधर्मेण।
ज्ञानेन चापवर्गो विपर्ययादिष्यते बन्धः॥ ४४॥
Translation by Henry Thomas Colebrooke (1837): By virtue is ascent to a region above; by vice, descent to a region below: by knowledge is deliverance; by the reverse, bondage. |
Translation by John Davies (1881): By virtue an ascent to a higher region is obtained; by vice a descent into a lower. Deliverance is gained by knowledge, and bondage by the contrary. |
Translation by Ganganath Jha (1896): By virtue (is obtained) ascent to higher planes; by vice, descent to the lower; from wisdom (results) beatitude; and bondage from the reverse. |
Translation by Nandalal Sinha (1915): By virtue, is going upward; going downward is by vice; and by knowledge, is Release; from the reverse, Bondage is considered (to be). |
Translation by Har Dutt Sharma (1933): Through virtue (comes about) going upwards, and through vice, going downwards; through knowledge salvation (is acquired), and through the reverse (i.e., ignorance) the bondage. |
Translation by Radhanath Phukan (1960): (Karika 44-45) Dharma enables a man to go up (i.e., to go to a better world), Adharma to go downwards; Jñāna (wisdom) leads him to release; Ajñāna (ignorance) to bondage; Vairāgya (non-attachment) results in merger in Prakṛti; Avairāgya, which is a result of Rājasika thoughts, makes a man passionately attached to the world. Aiśvarya leads to non-obstruction of desire (i.e., it enables one to get whatever he wishes for), the opposite, (i.e., Anaiśvarya) gives the contrary result. |
Translation by Swami Virupakshananda (1995): By virtue, ascent to higher planes, and by vice, descent to lower planes take place; by knowledge release is obtained while by the reverse of it (i.e. by ignorance) one gets bound. |
Translation by G. Srinivasan (recent): Satwic expansive actions are supported by axiomatic laws and leads upwards or towards a free state but actions opposing it results in lowered states that leads to tamasic or compressive states that are restrictive. Inner self potential is the only cause of synchronisation and establishment of coherent state but obstruction or restrictions results in a confined and bonded state. |
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