भेदस्तमसोऽष्टविधो मोहस्य च दशविधो महामोहः।
तामिस्रोऽष्टादशधा तथा भवत्यन्धतामिस्रः॥ ४८॥
Translation by Henry Thomas Colebrooke (1837): The distinctions of obscurity are eightfold, as also those of illusion; extreme illusion is tenfold; gloom is eighteenfold, and so is utter darkness. |
Translation by John Davies (1881): There are eight divisions of obscurity, and also of illusion; those of extreme illusion are ten; those of gloom and utter darkness are eighteen in each case. |
Translation by Ganganath Jha (1896): Of Error there are eight forms, as also of Delusion; extreme Delusion is ten-fold; Gloom is eighteen-fold, and so is also utter Darkness. |
Translation by Nandalal Sinha (1915): The distinctions of A-Vidyâ are eightfold, as also of Asmitâ; tenfold is Râga; Dveṣa is eighteenfold; so also is Abhiniveśa. |
Translation by Har Dutt Sharma (1933): The varieties of obscurity and delusion are eight, extreme delusion is of ten kinds, gloom and utter darkness are eighteen-fold. |
Translation by Radhanath Phukan (1960): Tamas (Avidyā) is of eight kinds; Moha (Asmitā) also eight kinds; Mahāmoha (Rāga) ten kinds; Tāmisra (Dveṣa) eighteen, so also eighteen of Andha-tāmisra (Abhiniveśa). |
Translation by Swami Virupakshananda (1995): False knowledge or ignorance is of eight divisions; so also is delusion; extreme delusion is ten-fold; gloom is eighteen-fold and so also is blinding gloom. |
Translation by G. Srinivasan (recent): Interactive changes in the compressive Thamasic state proceed on the basis of 8 orders of change to create the superposed state. The merging along three axial directions at the first Moha level is 2 cubed or 8 orders. The second level of merging is more deeply nested as the Mahamoha level and therefore 4 more levels are added to the 2 forming 6 orders and along all three axes it totals to 18 levels of order. This forms the innermost deep and darkest dense core as the Andhathamishra state. |
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